
Thursday, March 16, 2017

...and 2 more parts of "Welcoming Spring"

Hi all , back with 2 more parts before the work week starts for me again on the weekend. So far I have been really lucky with the weather ! Lots of sunshine and pleasant temperatures here in our little corner of the UK. Loving the spring weather! I turned off the heating and yesterday got out those vacuum storage bags and put away those really thick woolly jumpers, and got some t-shirts out. I really hope this weather is here to stay :) And I have been doing a little work in my garden corner. It's a start , but much more to get done!
I planted potatoes in those large grow bags yesterday.
The spring colors are popping out :)
Apart from these I have cabbage, strawberries, lettuce and kohlrabi planted so far .
In a couple of weeks the chard ,broccoli, cucumbers , tomatoes and zucchini can go out as well. The seedlings still need to grow a little bit more on my kitchen windowsill indoors before they will be planted out.
New Art work -Spring forward ...although we here in UK still have until the 23rd before we change the clocks.

And I tried something new. I got myself a wood burning tool and have been practicing a little.
This was the first try to get a feel for the tool. By the end of it I nearly had a cramp in my hand. Pens are surely a lot easier to hold and faster ;)
This is what I'm working on in the moment. I still need to do the vines on the other two. When you buy anything like this , please think of the work that goes into this reflected in the prices of hand made items.... so far this took me over two hours. I will need another 2 hours to finish this set. It looks easy , but takes time and patience.

Just like this mandala. These intricate patterns can't be rushed .

But I'm rushing to the freebie parts now :)
Today it's 2 parts of elements... I made a little preview of what you get.

And here a little layout I just made with the kit
That's all for now.
The last 2 parts next week ...till then
Hugs Snowy


  1. Your garden looks already great! What fun it will be to have your own crop of potatoes!!
    I have worked years ago a lot with a wood burning tool, with lots of different points on it and it is fun to do.
    Yes, it takes time, but it looks great.
    Lots of spring wishes to you and a hug too

  2. Hi Silke, na das ist ja mal ein Ding das ich Dich hier finde... schöne Sachen machst Du ja...creativ warst Du ja schon damals in Iserlohn lol...wuerde mich freuen mal von Dir privat zu hören..gebe Dir mal meine email glg aus Brockhagen..x

  3. Oh how I would love to have some of your energy right about now. But I'm back home now and feeling much better. Not so crazy about all the new meds, but that's life.

    Your flowers and plants look awesome! It's going to feel good to get outside and putter with my plants soon.

    I agree that folks really should think about all the work that goes into crafting items. The wood burning looks like fun. Enjoy it.

    Now I must get aquainted with all my new meds. Oh joy, oh joy. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.
