
Saturday, April 29, 2017

And another two for you :)

Hi everybody,
I fell asleep at 7 pm last night after working some overtime. 2 am I woke up wide awake and my cat thought it was breakfast time when I came down the stairs to go to the toilette,lol. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep an hour later. And when I got up a short while ago , Sam wanted second breakfast :)
In his eyes this was great and I could do that kind of thing every day wish, you little fur ball ! :)
Obviously with working overtime and falling asleep there wasn't much time to be creative on any large projects this week. But I did a little more work with those fabulous Fine Tec colors on black paper.
There is just something magic about letting colors run into each other and see how it turns out....
And when you get new inks , like this Ecoline Watercolor ink then you need to try out all those fantastic new colors :)
I ordered the pastel colors this month to try out, and I'm so in love with them I will oder the bright colors next payday :)
The great thing about these is that you can use a brush , like I did here....or an old fashioned quill and nip , dip pen, calligraphy pen to draw or write with them. Very versatile :)

The weather hasn't been exactly great here for gardening , but I still got some things planted.
 Tomato plants , cabbage etc ...and the beans and potato plants are doing very well .

Yeah , it's only pots and grow bags, but I'm definitely making the most out of the little space I have behind the house :)
There's a lot more to do, but the weather needs to improve before I can plant out the other babies which are waiting in my kitchen.

But now to the links.
If you are looking for more detailed previews , they are in the post with the first two links.
But here are parts 5 and 6 now

There will be one more next week ...and the start of another freebie kit.This kit will be in 5 small separate kits. It's the Celtic Magic collection. As it will be Beltane on the 1st of May (which is an ancient Fire Festival ), I will give you the "Fire " part first.
Followed by the other Elements Water, Earth ,Air and Spirit till then ...
Stay creative :)
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Two more parts of Printemps

Good morning "yawn" ...
Yeah, I just came home from nightshift and have not been to bed yet. But I will after this post. Knowing myself later on I will be lazy, because it always takes a full day and night to recover from working nights.

I treated myself to some Ecoline liquid watercolor and had to try them out. The great thing is you can also use them as ink for a dip pen.
And I did some more watercolor practice...
An owlet on canvas ...isn't he a cutie?

And after 3 years I finally finished a kit that was sat on my drive all this time.
I started it when I was with Reggie in North Carolina. After he passed away it was just too painful at first to carry on working on it, but better late than never ...I finally got it done :)
Anyway, enough of that. Let me just give you those new parts now and then I'm off to dream land :)

Here's two more parts

And now I really need my beauty sleep , so until next time ...
Hugs Snowy

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter weekend and new freebie

Hey all :)
Hope you're all having a lovely weekend ! I certainly am. It doesn't happen too often that I have a weekend off but by chance I was lucky for Easter this time.
Yup, I have been making things again.
A little craft paper and lettering  ...
...a zentangle owl ...
....Fine tech watercolor and...
...I got a weaving frame :) And even finished my first project.
For a "first" this wall hanging turned out great :)
More practice needed and learning some patterns will be next.

I have the first parts of another kit today.
And here some previews for more detail
Some papers
 Bow and floral elements...

 Swirly frames and corner elements...

 More frames and elegant glitter elements
 Some structures and leaves

More swirly stuff..
Its a quite large kit with 7 folders

I will give you 2 of them today.


And the first one with elements

And here a quickpage I made with the kit ...maybe I will give you the qps as well soon :)
Anyway...the sun is shining and I have some gardening to do.
So until next post ...
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, April 09, 2017

And here's the last of Easter Celebration

Hi all,
8 am and it's looking to be a bright sunny day here at the East coast of England. Just a shame I have to work later and won't be able to enjoy the sun .
Over the last week I made a mini series of paintings and I'm thrilled how they turned out ! :)

I used Fine tech watercolors and the sheen on these is just stunning !
You can see a short video here

And flowers .... it's Bluebell time !
Watercolors, Tombow Dual brush pens for large writing and Pentel touch pens for the small lettering.

Today's downloads will be the last 2 parts of Easter Celebration , so I had to search my drive for the next freebie kit.
I decided on my Printemp kit (yeah, a French title for a change,lol)
If you like flowers this will be a kit for you :) ....and versatile for a lot of layouts

But now to the last 2 parts and the previews I made .
I made a mistake last week and gave you 2 backgrounds links, so today it will be elements , but here are still the missing previews.

And that's all for now. Until next weekend :)
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Happy April...and yup, late again with freebie parts ;)

Hi again ,
...well, better late than never , I guess ;)
Shift work sucks for any schedules and working any overtime throws all my plans out of the window.
But I finally have the time to post today. I'll probably be tired later because I woke up far too early from my night shift nap , but hey...that's life.
I manged to get a few challenges done during the week and some previews for the first parts of the kit as well.
I've been mostly working with Tombows this past week.

But I also made my own pencil case with some decorations and fabric markers.
I wonder how these markers will fare in the wash . I will try on an old t-shirt soon.
And I got one watercolor done for my botanical painting collection.

But to the freebie kit now...
Easter is coming,lol

The backgrounds
...and the first elements
Those chocolate bunnies look almost real....yummm.
So here are the first 2 parts.

There will be 2 more elements parts next week . Yes, this is a relatively small kit for my standards with only 4 parts. ;)

Have a nice Sunday :)
Hugs Snowy