
Sunday, April 02, 2017

Happy April...and yup, late again with freebie parts ;)

Hi again ,
...well, better late than never , I guess ;)
Shift work sucks for any schedules and working any overtime throws all my plans out of the window.
But I finally have the time to post today. I'll probably be tired later because I woke up far too early from my night shift nap , but hey...that's life.
I manged to get a few challenges done during the week and some previews for the first parts of the kit as well.
I've been mostly working with Tombows this past week.

But I also made my own pencil case with some decorations and fabric markers.
I wonder how these markers will fare in the wash . I will try on an old t-shirt soon.
And I got one watercolor done for my botanical painting collection.

But to the freebie kit now...
Easter is coming,lol

The backgrounds
...and the first elements
Those chocolate bunnies look almost real....yummm.
So here are the first 2 parts.

There will be 2 more elements parts next week . Yes, this is a relatively small kit for my standards with only 4 parts. ;)

Have a nice Sunday :)
Hugs Snowy


  1. Cute and thank you so much!

  2. Now if only I can get in the mood to play on the computer. Thank you. Enjoy the warm Spring and have a super time off work. Hugs, Edna B.

  3. Oh, so jealous of your energy!!
    It is coming back to me, but far too slow. Oh well, let's be happy with the bit I already have LOL!
    Have a great time off work, hope your garden is progressing!
