
Monday, May 22, 2017

I'm baaaaack ;)

Yeah, I've been away for a week , spending some time in Germany, visiting my parents and had a cracking time meeting my old friends from "back in the days". We had not seen each other in over 20 years , so you can imagine it was a great reunion :)
I blocked out the faces as I'm not sure whether they like having their pic published
It was a fun evening :)
I was not online for practically the whole week ...and it was peaceful ! Maybe I should do that more often.

Looks picturesque and peaceful....

....until these 2 come caveman style out of the bushes :)
Yup, that's my son and his girlfriend.

We had 30/85 degrees in Germany, but coming back to only 12/53 degrees in UK was a bit of a temperature shock.
Anyway, no art pictures this time , so I get to the download straight away now.
Today it's Celtic Magic Earth

We still have two more elements to go , so part 4 and 5 the next 2 weeks.Now I have laundry and all sorts of other exciting things to do . Until next post :)
Hugs Snowy


  1. How nice that you had a wonderful visit with your family and friends. The scenery is just beautiful.

    How did your little garden fare while you were gone? I won't be planting any veggies this year. It's a bit too late and the weather just hasn't cooperated. Maybe next year.

    Ah well, you have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Great you had a wonderful visit to Germany and the meeting with friends and family. And no on-line? How wonderful is that at times?
    I can imagine the temperature shock you had when returning home! I better like the around 25-30C than the 12C!!!
    My tomatoe plants seem to grow steady and well, I am curious how much of a crop we will get from it.
    You probably have to go working again this week, or do you still have a few days of freedom left?
    Well, you take care and have sweet dreams about your visit to germany.
