
Saturday, September 30, 2017

New freebie kit, another new kit reveal and Owl basket pattern

Hello again,
I'm having a rare weekend off , so I'm posting early this time :)

I had several comments regarding the crochet Owl basket I showed in my last post, asking me to post a pattern.
Hmm...I have to confess I actually did not use a pattern. I just saw the picture and had a go at it.
But you find a pattern here
and Pinterest has a selection of the best Owl basket patterns here
I have been busy on another project with a special yarn.
These bobbles create a very interesting pattern and make for a very thick texture....but are a pain in a... to knit with.  :)
I've also been busy with painting/lettering a wooden wall sign. This was a first try. I have more to do and they make great little gifts.

But now to the new kit reveal. It has been a while since I designed a kit this size. Yeah, it's huge,lol.
I got it finished this afternoon and now have a lot of zip files to upload .
I won't show all the detailed previews yet, but I have 2 quickpages I made with this kit . I couldn't even fit all the backgrounds and elements onto the preview ! It looks crowded , but I wanted to show as much as possible on the preview,lol
 It's fall y'all :)
 I'm proud to say I have not forgotten my designer skills, ;)

That's enough reveal...more when I will start posting the first links for this kit.

For's Journey time....and a lot of previews !

Ouff ! This must be the most previews I ever showed in the 10 plus years I have been blogging and designing;)

Here the first parts

Talking of journey ....I will be be going on a journey in November. And I will get to see an artist I admire for being a musical genius. I'm going to see Lord of the lost and Chris Harms in Germany. I'm already excited ! The concert takes place in an old church , so the acoustics will no doubt be amazing with violins, piano and guitars.
Here's their new song "Lighthouse"
 See ya next week again 
Hugs Snowy 
PS:Not finger slipped on the keyboard and published the post long before I was finished,lol

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Last of Yesterday's Summer Garden

Hello :)
Holy crap ! It's already the last parts again? Time is going too fast ! I need to get on to my drive and look up another freebie for next week .
This past week has just rushed by and I have been very busy giving my bathroom furniture a make over.
You how it is.... 10 years and those wooden furniture don't look so nice anymore. There were stains on the mirror cabinet from my hair dye and they just wouldn't wash off.
My bathroom has no windows so it needed to light colored and there's no lighter color than white !
I love how it has turned out :)
From wood to white ...and this is a real bathroom in an old house, not one of these designer show pieces ,lol

And in between waiting for the layers to dry I managed to finish a project I started a while ago.
A crochet owl basket.
And in between more snowflakes I started some Christmas presents as well.

I already picked out the nest kit , by the way.
It's called "Journey" and has lovely vintage papers and elements.
Want a look? Here is the preview
There will be more detailed previews next post with the first links.

But for now the last Yesterday's Summer Garden parts

Keeping it a short post this week . It's already bed time for me and I have another early shift tomorrow.
So enjoy and 'till next weekend :)
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, September 17, 2017

More from Yesterday's Summer Garden

Hello again,
We're having a really rainy week here at the east coast of England.I'm glad I got my warmer clothing out during my last days off work. The long sleeves and warm jackets are needed with only 40-48 F /4-8 C  at night time and in the early mornings. The weather sure changed quickly this year. T-shirts one day and the next day it had gone cold ! It still gets warmer during the day when the sun is out , but the wind is getting a little chill to it already.  I'm not complaining. It's actually cozy and I'm getting more crafting/art stuff done . I have started some Christmas gifts (which I can't show obviously ) and ordered some lovely yarns for 2 other projects. They arrived within 3 days and I already started the first project.
I'm crocheting snowflakes....lots of them !
I will need more than 30 .
So far I only have 5 done ;)
When it's finished this will be a snowflake table runner. I'll post some updates as I get along.

You can see how the pattern is done in this video below.

And I finished that painting I started last week. This is "Autumn" ....2 more to do ! Winter and Spring . And I need to buy a couple more canvasses ...

Those candles in front are he ones I made from wax sheets. They turned out really well . I'll be definitely getting more of those sheets .I just love natural bees wax !

But now to the Freebie again.
Detailed previews in last week's post if you missed it . Today it's the next 2 parts of the kit.

One part papers

and one part elements again

Two more parts next week ...and then it's time to get autumnal and magical ,because summer is over !

And that reminds me that I have to prepare my little garden for winter soon. Guess I will have to do that on my next days off work. But for now I will have to hop into the shower and get ready for another late shift. My weekend will begin on Wednesday morning after catching up with some sleep. It's a nightshift thing ;)

So until next time...enjoy the freebies ! :)
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, September 10, 2017

And here comes the next freebie...

Hello :)
Hope you're all having a nice weekend. Mine is only starting just now. I came home from nightshift not too long ago. It's been quite cool (48F/10C degrees) here the past 2 nights and early mornings.And some of the trees , like these Horse chestnuts trees are already loosing their leaves. I took this pic on the way home earlier.Looking like fall, huh?
I'm warming up with a cup of tea and  have a nice chunk of pulled pork in my slow-cooker from over night. So I won't have much cooking to do today. The washing machine is on the go already and the cooler and rainy weather during the week has provided some creative time.
 Watercolor painting "Lavender" , and I started another autumn themed painting as well, which I'm planning to finish over my days off work.
You can see already that it will contain some pumpkins.

But that's not all ! I'm actually working on a new autumn themed kit as well.
Here's a little screenshot ...
It's coming along nicely with lots of watercolor elements.

But for now it's time for the first parts of "Yesterday's Summer Garden" as we slowly go from summer into fall.
And I have detailed previews .Not all backgrounds are shown though.Only roughly half of them :)

I will give you one file with backgrounds and one with elements again to start with.

Enjoy ...I need to have a nap now after my 12 hour nightshift and then it's really time to get out the warmer clothing , which is mostly stored in vacuum bags. And pack the sleeveless tops's getting too cold ! "shivers"

Hugs Snowy :)

Monday, September 04, 2017

And Hippy Chick's last part

I normally wanted to post yesterday , but our almost 19 year old cat Sam passed away yesterday. Needless to say I was not in the mood to think of blog posts.
I just came home from work and wanted to shout "Hi Sammy ,I'm home !" ...until I remembered he isn't here anymore. Force of habit....
It feels too quiet and empty. We used to have 3 cats ...Dusty passed away end of last year, Misty in March this year and now Sam as well.

They all had long good lives with 17 -19 years old, but I wish they could have lived longer with us Especially Sammy, who was like my little shadow following me everywhere. He was the only male and truly mommy's boy ;)  I will miss him scratching at the bedroom door wanting his breakfast or standing by the kitchen door while I'm cooking , hoping I will drop a little treat for him, cuddling up on the sofa wanting to be stroked and even occasionally enjoying a belly rub. But it is what it goes on !

With Autumn coming I decided to make some candles out of beeswax sheets. I have about 20 ready now and they'll make great little gifts as well with a nice candle holder.
Even painting is taking on an autumn theme now (and in front 2 of my candles in glass holders which I decorated with crochet lace)

I started another painting , but it's not finished yet with the events of the weekend.

Anyway... would you like to see what is coming next?

I chose a kit which means "End of summer-beginning of Fall " to me. It's called "Yesterday's Summer Garden"
This will be 6 parts starting next post.

For today it's the last of Hippy Chick though.

 More elements

 I hope to be back on Sunday with the new kit . I mean...what else could happen, huh? (touch wood !)

Until then , have a great week !
Hugs Snowy