
Monday, September 04, 2017

And Hippy Chick's last part

I normally wanted to post yesterday , but our almost 19 year old cat Sam passed away yesterday. Needless to say I was not in the mood to think of blog posts.
I just came home from work and wanted to shout "Hi Sammy ,I'm home !" ...until I remembered he isn't here anymore. Force of habit....
It feels too quiet and empty. We used to have 3 cats ...Dusty passed away end of last year, Misty in March this year and now Sam as well.

They all had long good lives with 17 -19 years old, but I wish they could have lived longer with us Especially Sammy, who was like my little shadow following me everywhere. He was the only male and truly mommy's boy ;)  I will miss him scratching at the bedroom door wanting his breakfast or standing by the kitchen door while I'm cooking , hoping I will drop a little treat for him, cuddling up on the sofa wanting to be stroked and even occasionally enjoying a belly rub. But it is what it goes on !

With Autumn coming I decided to make some candles out of beeswax sheets. I have about 20 ready now and they'll make great little gifts as well with a nice candle holder.
Even painting is taking on an autumn theme now (and in front 2 of my candles in glass holders which I decorated with crochet lace)

I started another painting , but it's not finished yet with the events of the weekend.

Anyway... would you like to see what is coming next?

I chose a kit which means "End of summer-beginning of Fall " to me. It's called "Yesterday's Summer Garden"
This will be 6 parts starting next post.

For today it's the last of Hippy Chick though.

 More elements

 I hope to be back on Sunday with the new kit . I mean...what else could happen, huh? (touch wood !)

Until then , have a great week !
Hugs Snowy


  1. Sorry to read that Sam passed away. You had them all also for a long time.
    And yes, it is very quiet in the house, with no cat to take care of.
    I know you will miss him, and it will take a bit of time, as I know for myself.
    Big hug

  2. Sorry to hear about your cat. I'm a real cat person and won't go for long without one or two in the family. They just make a home a home. Thank you so much for the Hippy Chick set. What a very fun kit for a person about to revisit the 60's. Wow, where did the years go?
