
Saturday, October 21, 2017

New freebie kit : And the winner is "The Mage's Chronicles"

Hello :)
Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend.
A massive 3 blog visitors have left a comment and voted what kit they would like next. That's amazing considering I have 60-80 downloads for each part on average ! (insert sarcasm,lol)
It's a good job  have a sick sense of humor and love what I do, otherwise I might have to follow the trend of being insulted (insert sarcasm here as well)
Just kidding...thank you to those who did leave a comment. You rock :) 
As it is, I'm having a weekend with no work and tons of time for my projects, and am in a really good mood :)
So I completed digitizing the first of my Watercolor Autumn pictures and made it into png files.
Yes, those are the leaves I painted with watercolors last week.The digital version turned out amazing :)
I completed a Skillshare class " Watercolor whimsical Birds" and the final project "Fantasy Peacock"
I finished another botanical drawing for the Floral challenge on Instagram.
(more to catch doesn't leave much time for daily challenges)
I knitted another scarf (for a guy this time )
And I started a year long project of knitting squares for a blanket. Each square will be a different pattern. It's a great way of learning new patterns !
The first one starts easy with stocking and garter stitch. 2 squares stocking and 2 squares garter stitch , which will be put together in the end for the reversible blanket.
 If you fancy to knit along , here is the patterns library so far. More will be added.
A square takes less than an hour , so it's an ideal coffee break filler.
I think I might post the different patterns on a separate page for reference. Any interest for a Pattern page ? 
The snowflakes are on hold until I go on vacation to Germany. I will take those with me and make more then.

And this is the kit you're getting for the next weeks, with the first parts now.


And now I feel a nap coming on.... chilling out on my bed sounds like a good plan. With my book. And a hot chocolate. And then nap...after all , I'm still recovering from working nights. Do I need an excuse? Hell no! I do what I want anyway,lol.
That's the beauty of being single and not having to deal with kids anymore at my age ;) Free time really is my time ! And I have decided to stay in PJs all day and just do what I like :) So until next post ...
Stay creative !
Hugs Snowy


  1. My goodness, you are a multi talented woman! Your paintings are really lovely, and I think the idea of the year long blanket is a super idea. I might try something like that in crochet. Hmmm.

    Your new kit looks super interesting. I think your idea of spending the day in jammies and just doing whatever you like is fabulous! It's a great way to offset all the time you put in working.

    I think a pattern page would be fabulous. This way, some of your readers might be able to try out some of your favorite patterns.

    Well, I'm off now. I hear a car out in the driveway and I'm wondering who it is. Snowy, you have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Wow, you are not cutting down on being busy!LOL.
    I think your watercolors of the leaves look fabulous!
    and knitting an afghan is such fun, takes some time, but it is satisfying(most of the time, hahaha).
    If you are in need of some ideas I have a few links for you. I think you will nt need them, but who knows, perhaps will give you some more ideas.
    lots to find on internet, as you know.
    I also am trying to keep a bit busy, specially now that jan is in hospital again. I am hoping to have a little blanket/throw finished for Christmas, in simple stitch, but in 3 colors and with crochet snowflakes on the squares.
    A pyama day is soooooo good, specially in such a snuggle, soft, warm pyama.
    Hope your cold is gone already?
    Take care,

  3. Oh my God, I am so forgetfull at the moment.
    Didn;t put the links for you. here they are. Take a look, really nice stuff

  4. Thank You so much for your wonderful kit. I can not knit or draw lucky for me there are gifted ones like your self who can fill in the gaps! Thank You again your generosity.
