
Monday, March 26, 2018

Just in time for the Easter week ...the last parts :)

Hello :)
I'm in a really good Spring mood today, even though I was at work all afternoon and only just came home from my late shift. We actually had some lovely weather today. Just a shame the temperatures are supposed to go down for Easter again... but I'm still creating "Spring " on my paper.
I found this Journal in one of our shops and I thought it would make a perfect "Doodle journal" . And so I'm creating a library of doodles now :)

I started with flowers for page 1 and then vines for the second page.
I have borders planned for page 3 and lots more ideas for more pages. It's fun , relaxing and useful for further art work. Maybe even some future clip art?

I'm on week for of Calligraphy drills with my oblique pen , and believe me when I say " Brush pen is so much easier !!!"
I think I invented a few new swear words during my practice sessions. Just when I thought I had finish a page neatly it happens.... one great big ink blob ! Or I'm finished , start to pack my stuff away and accidently swish my sleeve over the page. Of course the ink wasn't dry yet, that would be too much to hope for ! so I have a big smear across the page and ink on my sleeve "Sigh"
So one more week of drills and then we start on the letters ...again. At least doing this for the second time ,I know what's coming. ;)

So.....the last parts of Ostara today, for today you get the last 2 parts
I have the last part, plus an add-on part with extra backgrounds and elements.
Part 5

and the Add -on

For next week we go into Spring with a floral kit -Spring Blossoms
27 backgrounds (I got a bit carried away)  and 15 elements ... I made this in 2008, one of my first store kits  ... damn, where has the time gone?

Anyway... have a great week and stay creative :)
Hugs Snowy

Monday, March 19, 2018

Nightshift recovery, another Winter storm and the next parts

Good morning....
...never mind, it's already afternoon but I just had breakfast ;)  My day is slightly confused until I adjusted back to days from nightshifts  again.
Which is why I'm posting late again. I was just too tired yesterday and needed another nap before my last shift.
We had another Winter storm here and many parts of UK got covered in snow again. We were lucky this time. Only a few very light snow showers , more like a white dusting in places , but the wind was insane ! Still is actually. It looks like a lovely sunny spring day until you feel the temperature of the wind. It's brutal !
But there seems to be a light at the end of the ...aahhh...endless winter... temperatures are supposed to start going up tomorrow , on the Spring equinox. About time ,I say.
Advertising e-mails from various shops make me laugh. "Spring spotters" "New in ! Light and colorful spring fashion" Seriously? I'm not going to buy a sleeveless thin t-shirt , no matter how much in fashion the new style is , when I'm still wrapping up in thick sweaters ,padded coat, hat, scarf and gloves. Screw fashion....I just want to stay warm !!!
But staying warm is another thing right now. 30 minutes ago while having breakfast I was starting to feel cold. So I turned the heating up . 10 minutes after that I got too warm .... so I opened the window slightly. Another 10 min and I look for that fleecy warm blanket to wrap myself in...can't bloody win !!! Menopause is a strange thing ;)
So what have I been up? Apart from getting more grey hairs learning to write with the oblique dip pen I did some watercolor.

This one got me featured on Instagram.
I would like to say I'll get out my paints after this post , but I feel to sluggish and tired. So I doubt that I get anything done today apart from more sleep.

Which brings me to the freebie parts.
More backs and elements for you

I won't be on nightshift next Sunday , so hopefully I manage to post the next parts then ;)
For now I'm hoping for warmer weather so I can get out and get some planting done and more sleep .
Stay warm and crafty ...and until next week(end)
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Looking forward to Spring and new Easter kit

Hello again,
It has been another rainy day here at the east coast. It's an improvement to the snow and sub zero temperatures we had the week before , but I really would like to see the sun a little more.

I found some photos I took 2 years ago and the crocuses were in full bloom and daffodils poking out their heads at the same time of the month. Not this year ! It seems we are a month behind and in for a late Spring. So I have to stick to Spring graphics for the time being.
 I worked a little more on that new watercolor kit and took a screen shot.
Even in my paintings you can see me looking forward to spring .
But I had a nice surprise this morning and woke up to a lovely bunch of flowers from my son. It is Mothers day here in UK.
And now let me get to the Spring/Easter kit freebie.
Here come the previews and a quickpage I made with the kit.

Here the first 2 links

Enjoy and till next weekend again
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Last parts of Valentines Dreams

Hello :)
Yup , made it on time this week :) And what a week it has been ! England had quite some snow, and people don't seem to be able to cope. As someone who has grown up in Germany and is used to the white stuff being much deeper than we had here ,I can only shake my head about people not turning up for work, businesses closing early or staying closed, no rubbish collections , no deliveries to the shops etc.... Is it really "safety" which is given as an excuse, or a we breeding wimps? I always get the impression ,the more we put safety first , the more unable to cope people become. Or is it just me who thinks that way? By the way ...I walked to work...through the snow ...I got up 30 minutes earlier to make it on time. Just like I did as a young girl ,having to walk a few miles to school and back in all kinds of weather.... Which earned me an " OMG ! I couldn't do that ! "  from those younger than I am. As I said -wimps !
Bad weather meant it was definitely painting time (plus I knitted a few squares)
It was a week of botanicals ...
And I worked on some Spring designs...
...pastels and blossoms. If it's not spring outside I just create some inside ;)

But now to the last links for Valentines Dreams

And I think it's time for a colorful Easter kit. This is coming up as freebie kit next.More previews next Sunday and the first parts.

So see you next Sunday again .
Stay creative ,peeps :)
Hugs Snowy