
Monday, March 19, 2018

Nightshift recovery, another Winter storm and the next parts

Good morning....
...never mind, it's already afternoon but I just had breakfast ;)  My day is slightly confused until I adjusted back to days from nightshifts  again.
Which is why I'm posting late again. I was just too tired yesterday and needed another nap before my last shift.
We had another Winter storm here and many parts of UK got covered in snow again. We were lucky this time. Only a few very light snow showers , more like a white dusting in places , but the wind was insane ! Still is actually. It looks like a lovely sunny spring day until you feel the temperature of the wind. It's brutal !
But there seems to be a light at the end of the ...aahhh...endless winter... temperatures are supposed to start going up tomorrow , on the Spring equinox. About time ,I say.
Advertising e-mails from various shops make me laugh. "Spring spotters" "New in ! Light and colorful spring fashion" Seriously? I'm not going to buy a sleeveless thin t-shirt , no matter how much in fashion the new style is , when I'm still wrapping up in thick sweaters ,padded coat, hat, scarf and gloves. Screw fashion....I just want to stay warm !!!
But staying warm is another thing right now. 30 minutes ago while having breakfast I was starting to feel cold. So I turned the heating up . 10 minutes after that I got too warm .... so I opened the window slightly. Another 10 min and I look for that fleecy warm blanket to wrap myself in...can't bloody win !!! Menopause is a strange thing ;)
So what have I been up? Apart from getting more grey hairs learning to write with the oblique dip pen I did some watercolor.

This one got me featured on Instagram.
I would like to say I'll get out my paints after this post , but I feel to sluggish and tired. So I doubt that I get anything done today apart from more sleep.

Which brings me to the freebie parts.
More backs and elements for you

I won't be on nightshift next Sunday , so hopefully I manage to post the next parts then ;)
For now I'm hoping for warmer weather so I can get out and get some planting done and more sleep .
Stay warm and crafty ...and until next week(end)
Hugs Snowy


  1. I can see why your new painting got you published again. Great work, my friend. There's a crew outside putting a new roof on my house. I'm hoping they can get finished before the incoming storm starts. You have a great week, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Staying warm in this period of the year always is difficult, really!!
    Also because the temperatures are roller coasting.
    Towards Eastern it is getting a bit colder again but probably here we still will be rather okay, about -1C nights, may be 7-8C days.
    Lots of things you have to plant now, indoors, but it is difficult to find space for it LOL.
    For most seeds it still is too cold.
    Well, hope vy now you recovered from the night shift and I agree with you..... screw fashion, more or less. Staying warm and comfy is more important ROFL>
    Nice bouquet of flowers from your son!
