
Monday, April 16, 2018

The last of Spring blossoms

Hello again :)
It's late.... just before midnight, in fact. I only finished work at 11 , but I still want to get this post done before I crawl into bed for my beauty sleep.
I got post from the USA yesterday. My Prima Watercolors finally arrived. I ordered the Woodlands and Tropicals palettes. These colors are so rich in pigment, they are fantastic to paint with  !
Obviously I had to try them out.
I had great fun creating a little landscape painting.
And with help of another Skillshare class I created this Cacti painting.
 Oh yeah...and this one :)
And this.... I could show more but then it will take a lot longer for me to get to bed.

Let's talk about paper again. This time watercolor paper. There are two different kinds. Hot pressed and cold pressed.
Hot pressed is smooth, cold pressed has a rough texture. I use both, but I love the texture the cold pressed paper gives the panting.
God quality paper is not cheap ! Yes, you can get cheap watercolor paper, but it won't be the good quality , thick paper. It's ok for  practice , but if you want to produce a good painting you need good paper. I have fallen in love with the Pink Pig sketchbooks.
They get hand made here in UK , come in lots of different sizes, cover colors and are ring bound. Plus they are good quality and affordable. They are also available via Amazon, and you can customise the cover. Plus I like that it's a book and I don't have loose pages . Keeps your creations all neatly together.

Now to the last part of Spring blossoms.

And for now we are staying with the floral theme....because ...Spring !!
You know these tiny little blue flowers called Forget me nots? Well ,I made a kit with these.
So this is what you can get next.

But enough for bed is calling me :)

Until next post
Hugs Snowy


  1. Snowy, your paintings/drawings are getting oh so good! You are inspiring me to get a notebook and maybe try sketching or maybe watercolors. This is something I could do while sitting out on my porch when the weather is a bit warmer. Thank you.

    Your forget me nots look super interesting. Can't wait to see the whole kit. You have a wonderful week, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Hope you had a good sleep after you posted.
    And also hope you had some time to enjoy some of the good weather(well, I suppose you had some too as we had some awesome days)
    You are getting better and better in your watercolors!
    Have a great week,

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