
Monday, July 30, 2018

Finally more freebie parts

Hi all,
sorry I'm a day late . My excuse ...I was too damn tired after more DIY . After the kitchen was done I had a lot of paint left over which I didn't want to waste. So I decided the bathroom could do with a little do over as well.
I love how the swirly leaf border turned out.
Yeah, the floral wallpaper is kinda girly , but it really brightens up the small room (which has no window).
Thursday I will have a new hanging mirror cabinet and towel rail delivered, and a shelf still has to go up as well.

So not much time for painting yet again. But do you remember the last painting video I posted?
I started on that series of 3 paintings.
Here is one...
I'm still working on 2 and 3 .so hopefully have them done next post.

I promised element previews for the Tuatha kit though, and took time to create those for you.

Here the next links as well

There will be two more files for this kit next week.

Once I get a little more time again I will carry on with doodle and painting as well. I have a little series planned which starts with drawing different kinds of leaves and then painting them in two versions. The first being a spring/summer look and the second an autumn/winter look. I will take step by step pictures so you can draw and paint along. As we get more towards winter I will include winter/Christmas greenery and plants/flowers. These will make great motifs for hand drawn and painted X-mas cards. So get yourself some pencils, black fineliner pen and some watercolors and paint along. Oh yes, not to forget watercolor paper. Cold pressed texture at 300g/m is best . It's a nice thick card stock which you can either cut out and glue to a regular card , or fold and use as a card as it is .

That's it for now though. Time to start cooking dinner. And I'm planning to bake bread and make a sourdough starter.
Till next post
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Start of new freebie again

did I say a week off would give me time to do a lot art and craft ?Think again ! I managed one painting and that was it.
The company doing the kitchens changed the way they do things. Before they would do the whole lot , including painting and wallpapering. But not anymore. Now they supply the chosen painting supplies , but you have to do it yourself.
So after their days work I busy first painting the ceiling, then wallpapering myself. In this heat and no A/C in British flats I was pooped !
Then over the weekend the task of emptying the boxes and sorting everything into the cupboards again. Once that was done the big clean up. The kitchen arts were custom made in my flat, so I had fine sawdust practically everywhere. Ah well, it's over and done now, but I was I would have taken a couple more days off from work to recover from all this :)  Back to work tomorrow...

But enough of this..
Here is the only painting of this week 
Summer Window 
But I have managed to make a new kit.

It turned out a bright and sunny Summer kit .
...but now to the new freebie
It's preview time
Here are some background previews. I didn't have time to do the previews for elements yet, so I hope to get the chance to do that for next weekend.

Here the first 2 links

And that's all for today. Next weekend there will be a draw and painting tutorial again. And hopefully some paintings to show :)
Until then
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, July 15, 2018

The last 2 parts for you

Hi again.....I am pooped !
My hallway is stacked full of boxes , it looks as if I'm moving, but it's only the kitchen stuff.
Tomorrow morning at 8 am I will have guys standing on my door mat to take out the old kitchen units, the flooring and wall tiles.
After 20 years I'm finally having a brand new kitchen  :)
But the packing is one hell of a job in this heat ! Why don't English flats have A/C ? The fan can't keep up and only pushes hot air around. We are in our 4th week without rain and I am really looking forward to cooler weather now. On top of that I will have to stay in pretty much most of the next 5 days while I have the work crew here . At least outside we have a nice sea breeze... so there that's my moan while I'm having a break from packing boxes ;)

Needless to say I didn't get much done with packing and work taking priority over art the past week. But I still have a few I have not shown yet .
I painted another seashell...
...and a picnic basket .

Well, with having to stay in I should find plenty of time to paint the coming week , or some other art activities .
Maybe I even get a new kit done.

Today I show you an easy landscape Watercolor tutorial. This uses the wet on wet technique and is suitable for beginners. Kirsty shows step by step how to do them .

And of course I need to give you the last 2 links.

And that's this one finished ...time for a new freebie kit again
How about some myth and legend stuff next?
Tuatha Dé Danann
The Tuatha Dé Danann ("People of the Goddess Danu") were one of the mythical races who settled in Ireland before the arrival of the Milesians, the ancestors of modern Gaels. The Dananns were descendants of the goddess Danu. Her son Dagda was their most powerful leader of the Dananns.

The Tuatha Dé Dananns were a race of deities as well as race of heroes. They were skilled in art and science, poetry and magic.

You can read more about them here

So until next weekend
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, July 08, 2018

The next freebie parts

hope you're all having a lovely Sunday.
We are in our 3rd week without any rain here at the east coast of England and it's starting to show. The grass and even the weeds are drying out and are brown instead of green along the roads. We could really do with a couple of showers.
Watering my little garden is essential and the work is paying off. Where other plants are letting their heads hang down my babies are blooming.
I just spent the morning removing weeds , watering and planting some more.
Hydrangeas, sunflowers, lilies and lavender are loving the weather.
My tomatoes , beans , herbs and squashes are also coming along nicely.

Although with work and having to water regularly I didn't find much time painting this past week.
I'm still working on that knitted blanket and so far I have 44 squares done. Did I say it would be a year long project? Make that 2 years :)
The whole blanket will have 144 squares. Only 100 to go :)
But it will be worth it.

I did find time for another 2 Skillshare classes though.
 Seashell from Irina's class …
...and watercolor silhouette , also Irina's class.

It's really easy to do a silhouette painting. Just find the shape you like ( dog, cat, flowers , face ...whatever you like ) and transfer it onto watercolor paper. Color in the shape (use different shades of the same color) and when it's dry add some details. I used Dr ph Martin's white ink.

And here a video to teach about masking fluid. Another fun effect :)
These cute little paintings make great bookmarks to give as little gifts .

But now to the next  2 parts of the freebie kit.

The last 2 parts will be next weekend again. And if any of you know how to do a rain dance , a shower or two would be appreciated :)
Until then
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Back with new freebie kit

Hello ...I'm back from my vacation and have another kit for you. But first some art !
I took a travel watercolor kit with me and even did some paintings while away.
The #thingswithflowers challenge  was going on and apart from one prompt I managed to get all of them done.
The "Skull" with a tillandsia plant
...the prompt "Paintbrush"
Coffee mill with a coffee plant
And I even did another Skillshare class
This is my watercolor dragonfly from Irina's class

As for learning are 2 more fun video for practicing different watercolor techniques

Next week I post about how to work with masking fluid and show some examples of what you can do with it.
But now to the new freebie kit .Sorry, I have no detailed previews. They must have gotten lost in the computer crash back then, and had no time to make new ones. This kit contains 21 backgrounds and 28 elements , so what you see on the preview is only a few things of the whole lot.

Enjoy, and I'll be back with 2 more parts next week .
Hugs Snowy