
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Start of new freebie again

did I say a week off would give me time to do a lot art and craft ?Think again ! I managed one painting and that was it.
The company doing the kitchens changed the way they do things. Before they would do the whole lot , including painting and wallpapering. But not anymore. Now they supply the chosen painting supplies , but you have to do it yourself.
So after their days work I busy first painting the ceiling, then wallpapering myself. In this heat and no A/C in British flats I was pooped !
Then over the weekend the task of emptying the boxes and sorting everything into the cupboards again. Once that was done the big clean up. The kitchen arts were custom made in my flat, so I had fine sawdust practically everywhere. Ah well, it's over and done now, but I was I would have taken a couple more days off from work to recover from all this :)  Back to work tomorrow...

But enough of this..
Here is the only painting of this week 
Summer Window 
But I have managed to make a new kit.

It turned out a bright and sunny Summer kit .
...but now to the new freebie
It's preview time
Here are some background previews. I didn't have time to do the previews for elements yet, so I hope to get the chance to do that for next weekend.

Here the first 2 links

And that's all for today. Next weekend there will be a draw and painting tutorial again. And hopefully some paintings to show :)
Until then
Hugs Snowy


  1. I love your new painting. What a strange way to refurbish a kitchen. What if you were not able to do the work by yourself? Well, anyway, now you have a nice new kitchen. Get some rest this week and recuperate. You did a nice job. Have a wonderful week, hugs, Edna B.

  2. Your kitchen looks fantastic! Oh yeah, kitchen guys usually don;t do painting and such, if you couldn't do it yourself, well, you just have to hire a company for it.
    But you;ve managed to do it and get everything done, I can imagine it wasn't easy with the hot weather conditions!
    so you can do things in the kitchen now with pleasure again, all is fresh and new.
    Take it easy for some days, you deserve it.
