
Monday, November 05, 2018

The last parts of Gordon's kitchen

Hello again,
After a 12 hour nightshift I have recovered today and caught up on plenty of sleep to do my blog post.
Gordon's kitchen finally comes to an end today with the last downloads for you.

So what have I been up to apart from work since  last posted?
For a start the never ending (it seems) sorting out of clothing which is too large now. I keep finding items when I put them on to wear. My work colleague is happy. She buys them for cheap of me , so I get at least a little cash to buy new items, but still... I struggle to replace them this fast ;) And there were a few moment when I wanted to cry because they were firm favourites in my wardrobe. And I am not keeping them if they don't fit properly. They hang on me like a large tent.
Guess it's a good excuse to buy new clothing. :)

Irina ,over on Skillshare , is doing a competition.
So I got busy and painted "Misty Forrest" from her latest class.
Also I got inspired by this picture. It's been 6 years since I did my bedroom, and with all the rooms downstairs nice and fresh I really want my bedroom upstairs to look new as well. So I guess that's my next DIY project.
But I started the morning with a different kind of DIY. I made Beeswax candles. There is nothing like the natural honey smell from authentic beeswax  ...mmhhh, I want to lick them :)

I'm also in full Christmas present buying mode. I hate how early they start with Christmas stuff in the shops, but I also see the positive side of it. Get in there early , spread the cost and avoid the last minute crowds and stress.
And that brings me to value of presents. It's supposed to be a family holiday , not a money spending "who has the most expensive brand name present" occasion. All through the years I have always refused to be part of that. No, I won't buy an expensive I phone or I pad when a cheaper android version does the same job. I taught my son that if he wants something like that he will have to get it himself and earn the money for it. I know families who max out their credit cards and get into debt just for Christmas. Then they spend the rest of the year to pay it all off , only for Christmas to come around and do the same again. Seriously? Is that really necessary? Alcohol sales go up sky high as well. Do people have to get drunk to celebrate? I'm not a religious person /Christian , but I value Christmas time as a family time and it's nice to exchange some gifts. I like the homey and cosy feeling the Christmas decorations give, without going over the top and creating a horrendous electric bill due to massive light decorations.
Keep it simple, use decorations from natural materials and think of the environment, please. Make some gifts yourself. And value the family time and good food instead of making it just about the presents.
So... that's my own Christmas message :)

Now it's time for those downloads.

Part 7 with lots of elements

and last more food

Next post will be the start of a new freebie kit again. I have a few to choose from and still have to make up my mind which one it's going to be :)
Now it's time to have a shower, get dressed  (still sitting here in PJs) and get some house work done though....
Stay crafty and until next post again
Hugs Snowy


  1. Your new painting is lovely. It will look beautiful on the wall once your bedroom has been repainted. Those candles look awesome.

    I think the same way about Christmas. In my mind, it's the gift, not the money spent on it. We love home made things in our family. So a lot of our gifts are home made. It makes them more special. I've had a hard time finding apple jelly these past few months at the market, so daughter Audrey is going to make me a batch of apple jelly and send it to me. My idea of an awesome gift!

    I wish I was losing some pounds like you are. The good part is that I'm not gaining. But I'd still like to lose a few. You're doing great. You have a wonderful week, hugs, Edna B.

  2. I just downloaded the whole kit of Gordon's kitchen, thanks a million for the lovely kit, appreciate it~
