
Sunday, November 15, 2020

New Freebie time again

 Hello everybody :) 

It's Sunday and posting time again ! And this time I'm posting with my brand new laptop. It's such a pleasure to work on this.  It's so fast ,unlike my old nearly 8 year old laptop which does everything in snail speed now:) 

I haven't got everything installed yet but I'm getting there slowly. and I'm hoping that my old Poser 3D program will work on this baby as well. 

It's been a few weeks of the " new" for me ,with getting a new phone as well. I went for the Google Pixel because everybody told me that the camera is absolutely fantastic. Well, they didn't exaggerate. The clarity of the pictures is really fantastic. Better than my little Nikon camera. So there is definitely no need for that one anymore :) 

So.....what have I been up to apart from Christmas shopping and working? 

I crocheted a little Christmas stocking. love how cute it turned out with the bobbles :)
I fell in love with Alpaca yarn and knitted this simple shawl. It's so warm and cosy .💓
I also made my yearly batch of soaps .They make great little gifts and we also use these all year round.
This year I made one batch of Lavender and Tea Tree oil, and another batch of Lemon and Tea Tree . They smell divine !
 I started on some winter/Christmas decorations. This is my Eucalyptus Red Berry Winter Wreath.
And this is a currant project. A stripy jumper, which will be warm and cosy when the cold weather comes. 

But that's enough for now. Let's get to the new freebie. 
With Christmas approaching I thought an Angel kit would be the perfect kit to give you next. Here some previews...

And here the first links: 

Have fun with it and stay creative :) 
And healthy ! 
And thank you for your comments ,they are always very much appreciated. 
Until next post with more parts of this kit 💓

Hugs Snowy 


  1. Always almost in awe to see how much you do in the field of creativity WOW!
    I can understand it is working fantastic on a new laptop. Had the same with mine.
    Have lovely weeks, stay safe,

  2. My goodness, you've been busy. I love that new sweater you're making. The colors are beautiful. Your new kit looks very interesting. All the parts open as PS files. The soap looks so nice. I'll bet it feels good on the skin too. You have a super week, hugs, Edna B.

  3. Hallo Snowraven,

    da ich weiß, daß du Deutsche bist, schreibe ich dir hier deutsch. Vor ca.10 Jahren hast du dir meinen Debüt- Scrapschlüssel auf meinem Blog runtergeladen und es mit einem Portrait deiner Mutter verknüpft, weißt du noch? dein Scrap habe ich noch.
    Ich habe für ein paar Jahre was anderes gemacht, habe meinen Blog geschlossen, aber jetzt, in Rente, habe ich wieder Lust bekommen digital zu basteln.
    Bei meinen alten Lesezeichen fand ich wieder deine HP und freue mich, daß du noch so schöne Freebies teilst. Herzlichen Danke dafür.

    Schöne Advents-u.Weihnachtszeit wünsche ich dir und deiner Familie.

    Lieben Gruß von Catzia/Doro aus dem schwarzen Walde :))

  4. Здравствуйте! Очень красивый набор! Очень жаль ссылка на 3 часть не работает.
    Hello! Very nice set! It's a pity the link to part 3 doesn't work.

    Hallo! Sehr schönes Set! Schade, dass der Link zu Teil 3 nicht funktioniert.
