
Friday, June 10, 2011

Back on Lates...

...and thank F*** for that ! These past two days being on early shifts have messed up my sleeping pattern as usual and I get nothing done. I am really not an early morning person.I'm fine as long as it's 7 am , but getting up at 4.30 am kills me,lol. We had 2 people sick at work recently as well, so there's always the worry about cover. Ron was off sick as well, so he couldn't do my Tattoo as planned. We rescheduled it for next Tuesday now. It's gorgeous sunshine this morning here, but I hear from Nikki and Scott that they had some thunderstorms last night.Scott lives in Sanford , Nikki in Fall River, only about an hour away from Salem.
I told you about my herbs , specially the mint growing like mad - so I had to give them another cut.
All bundled up and drying now.(mobile phone pictures)
 And I told you I had some ideas in my head regarding new designs-this might give you a clue,lol
I won't be able to go out the next coming weekends as I'm working , but the next free one I will be out again !
And I have a quickpage for you today . Enjoy !
And now it's time to get ready again , want to get into town before work ,plus these damn cat toilets need cleaning again because they are starting to smell. So I better get my ass into gear -Hugs Raven

1 comment:

  1. Hope they won't ask you to cover extra shifts!
    Such a brave girl to get another tatoo, brrrrrr.
    Well, make the most of your free hours, you can prepare yurself mentally to your next dancing outing LOL.
    Have a great weekend, despite the shifts
