
Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Summer BBQ now in Store -plus free Add-on

Pheeew .... what a day !  Got up at 4.30 am this morning , work, then shopping. Record timing for 2 shops plus cycling home and storing away in a little over an hour. 10 minute coffee break , cook dinner, eat. Then washing up, mop floors and some general tidy up, cut herbs (the mint was growing out of proportion), bundled up and hung to dry , watered plants.Just put the new kit into the Store , now writing here, also trying to help a young fellow Wiccan Witchling .... damn I'm good ,lol! Although I have to admit my energy is running low now and I look forward to my bed. Here are the previews for the kit now .

Plus an Add-on to the kit this time.As always to pick up here
 I'm keeping this post short tonight, and will keep the photos for tomorrow. I just want to chill now,lol .
Hugs Raven

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