
Sunday, June 05, 2011

It's definitely Summer !

Hi all,
I didn't post a few days and thought I check in again today. I'm off work on rota break in the moment but staying busy as usual. Saturday was a chillaxing kind of day.I thought about going out in the evening , but as I only came off night shift that morning I was just too tired and decided to stay in , watch a movie and read a bit ...I promptly fell asleep with the book in my hand,lol. Sunday was a "sorting out "day again. I caught up on work which doesn't get done while working , as a result my whole kitchen is now nice and clean , bleached from top to bottom and also drawers and cupboards cleaned out and sorted. I do that roughly every 6 months, that way I see what in my store cupboards needs to be used soon or is past the use by date(cans , herbs and spices, etc). My frying pans are getting a bit past it, so I will have to get a new set soon. I can't complain, they have lasted over 10 years -it pays to buy good quality in that case.As for Tupperware -I think I really have enough to last me a life time,lol.

But everything done and it looks nice ,clean and tidy again.-and organised ! And I think I have enough herbs and spices for the time being as well.
Design.... I finally carried on with my Summer BBQ kit. But it can be used for other layouts as well. You know me, always trying to make designs as versatile as possible so they fit more than just one occasion. Here a layout I made with some of the new designs.
Pic was taken this afternoon while I was having a break, a drink and soaking up some sun while visiting Shaun at work in town (after my shopping was done)
And yes, I did buy more stuff. It's nice to be finally able to afford a bit more. And my wardrobe needs serious updating so all the clothes which are far too large can go. I still kept some tops ,thinking I can still wear them , but when I see myself on pictures I realise that they just hang around me and are really far too large. And I don't particularly want to look as if I'm in Maternity clothing ,lol. Just to give you an indication of sizes ...when I started  to loose weight I was a size 20/22 (British size, which are slightly different than US sizes) -now I fit a size 14/16 depending on the cut and make of the item....and I'm not finished yet !
And with that I'm off again -next post I will have another quickpage freebie again for you.
Hugs Raven

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