
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Another kit ready

Hey, I've done it ! I actually got the Summer and BBQ kit finally ready.
I changed quite a few things in between as I was not happy with the colours , but now I have finally got it all done. All I have to do now is pack it into folders , upload and create some detailed previews.
Yesterday, being a rainy day was a case of sorting through some more stuff , with the result of  yet another bag full of too large clothing going to the local charity shop. Last time it was  Jeans and other pants mainly , this time it was,Sweaters and T-shirts. Lol, Pay Day is not that far away - time for Mother here to do some more shopping. I'm in full 70ies/Festival swing in the moment . I love the patterns and colours which are in the shops now. Would you believe I have not bought a single black item the past few months? Must be the summer mood,lol. And as I'm on the Summer theme , here is one serious Sun Worshipper . Made with the Summer BBQ kit .

Here is the main Preview
And just the papers ...
Let's see what I create next , so far I have no detailed plans. Although I have had a few ideas buzzing through my brain. But no hurry !
Well , it's my last dy off today. So I will make the most of it before I'm back in the bunker tomorrow. That's what I call our new office -it has a bunker feel with no windows and just walls around you. So until next post , whenever I got the previews ready and the kit in Store. Oh , and of cause the Sampler ....
Hugs Raven

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