
Friday, June 15, 2012

Eagles for you

Hi again,
thought I quickly post the Eagles folder for you today. One more download to come for this theme and I have been working on some more word art.
Regarding Kyra's comment: Kyra, I have been doing that sort of thing...every time something I want to take has come out of the laundry I have already put it to the side, so I don't have to rush doing a last minute washing load as well.
2 shifts to go ! A late and a night shift ...time seems to be going slower now,lol. Even though it was busy at work it just seems to creep slower now.
Yes, it's some hours he is doing, and even though he doesn't like it either ,he has no choice,but he is not complaining and just grits his teeth and gets on with it.That's actually one thing I admire about him....and very much like myself when I was doing 80 hours the week back when we were short staffed and I needed the money.Oh yes, I was tired, I barely saw my son and had no time for anything else , but I didn't complain.And as Reggie says, these days you have to be happy to have a job .... and if you are unwilling too often to put the hours in.... you can be easily replaced by someone else.Another thing people across here often do not get... we have Unions in place and are governed by the European guidelines which set out how many hours are lawful, how many nights you can do without it affecting your health etc.... they do not have that over there. In this way we are rather spoiled over here by having so much protection on our side.Same as the health system , I know enough friends over there who cannot afford a doctor because they have no insurance. We take so many things for granted which others do not have !
Rant over , some new word art previews which will be the next and last download on Monday.Plus the original words I did earlier on when I started the kit first.Already showed that preview, so I won't put it up again now.
 But here are the Eagles now-enjoy.

Just had to chuckle when I was looking for this preview and came across another pic on this blog.It's this one.
 This shows a typical Football evening last year in Autumn ,while I was chatting with Reggie in between when we were just friends.... and it holds memories of quite a few giggles because he was rather tipsy that night and had to suffer for it the next day. "Chuckles" ...I made him get chamomile tea and drink it , and it was one of the most foul tasting concoctions he ever drank :)
Jeeezee....I'm so evil,lol..... they say a man's love goes through his stomach.... well, something is clearly cocked up here...bahahahaha....
Anyway...leaving you with another piece of music I had on my stereo this morning...this is a classic ! Till Monday-hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. thanx for the lovely eagles...they are beautiful. Have a great weekend!
