
Monday, June 11, 2012

Last bits from the freebie kit and D-Day is closer :)

 tomorrow it's back to work for me again after my days off, so I thought I will give you the last part of the kit today. Oh, and in my case D-Day stands for Departure Day.
I have 5 shifts left to do , then I come off night shift, have a day to pack my suitcase, stock up for Shaun ,pay the bills and whatever else needs doing before I'm leaving.
Did not see Reggie over the weekend , but I got a message : "monday thru thursday 10 hours a day, friday 12 hours, yesterday 12 hours, 4 hours this morning, plus tournament, i'm shot to hell, gonna spend the day sleeping it off, try and catch you tomorrow "
My poor man was working through without having a day off again! It's a good job it's only about a week and he will be off on vacation time as well. Lol, we'll probably sleep the first day there, he to recover from all these crazy work hours and myself to recover from the long journey. But the tournaments were going well , he finished the season first place -can you say I'm proud of him? Yeah, damn right I am !
Edna's comment made me chuckle: "Your Reggie sounds quite interesting." Hahahaha...I wouldn't be with him otherwise and cross the ocean for him.
Well, while he was working his ass off on Saturday and Sunday I wasn't lazy either , -I finished another kit I started a while ago.

But now the last part of that kit...
Don't despair,lol... I have some more goodies lined up , there is a pack of Eagles and wordart /tiltles to fit the USA theme and to go with all these kits still to come.

But for now ...poof...I'm off again with music,lol
Hugs Snowy


  1. Your Reggie has terribe working hours! I sure understand he's pooped out after such a schedule!
    Hahaha, Jan was pooped out too yesterday after his first day. He went to several houses to help people(accompanied by another home helath care worker who had to make a report about him). But he did allright I think, sure was hard getting used to it again for him, but that will be better soon too. Perhaps they will give him one more day in this way, which means no earnings yet, and then hopefully he will get a working schedule then quickly.
    Your D-day comes near now!
    Couldn;t you put your suitecase in you bedroom alreaddy, and every time you think of something to take with you, or comes out the laundry clean, you can put it there already? Saves you a bit time perhaps on your last free day here.

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 6 post on Jun. 12, 2012. Thanks again.

  3. Just got this part of your lovely gift. Thanx, Kyra sent me your way! Have a great trip to the USA.
