
Monday, July 30, 2012

Freebie part 3 and new kit ready

Good morning,
...night shift recovery went well. I used to love those shifts, but I am seriously beginning to dislike them because they prevent me from being able to see and chat with Reggie on Skype.
But at least I had the weekend off ...
Just been reading my comments and Kyra tells me about an award....thanks for that, will head over to your blog after this post. Oh, and that torture seat seems to be working, together with eating more sensibly my scales showed 6 pounds less this morning. That's not a bad loss in two weeks, I'm happy with that. Brave? I wouldn't say I'm brave,lol... it's more a case of feeling better in myself, personal pride , living healthier and apart from that I need to be fit to keep Reggie on his feet (or on his back or knees) hehehehe....
I've been journaling some more and making more layouts, but some of them I find too personal to show.I'm open but not that open,lol ! Some things I have to keep private. But here are a few more layouts I made. This is a double page and supposed to be next to each other.

I think that I'm comfortable and loving it there shows well in the pic , I look relaxed, happy and at ease,lol.And that was taken the day after I arrived the next layout states...
Apart from that I finished the kit I worked on last.
I called it "In my heart" ...just because he is.
And I made another Dreamcatcher.
This one was a wish from Deb for one of her boys.I still have to make another for her other little boy.
Patriotic Dreamcatcher

 I'm uploading the next freebie parts as I write this.As soon as it's done I place the links and hit the "Publish " button.But I'm having problems with uploading at mediafire. The last 2 files with the cards will not I post the kit and will add the cards when it finally works again.
This is it.
and finally the cards

I'll keep trying to get the cards up as well, so check in from time to time,and  I will announce when it has finally worked.
Till later again-hugs Snowy


  1. No wonder you felt so comfy in North Carolina. The country is beautiful, and obviously the company was superb. You're going to like the winter weather there too. Their winter is milder than ours but they still get some snow. Now I'm off to play with my new little friend. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna b.

  2. thank you for these nice kit serie!

  3. Thank you for your kit pieces so far. Absolutely lovely. I really like the info cards. I think there was a mix up on the downloads though. Part 1 elements are in this batch of dowloads instead of Part 3 elements. Hope you can fix the problems with mediafire. Thanks again for your creative genius.
