
Thursday, July 26, 2012


Good morning peeps,
it's the start of my night shifts later tonight so I have some time to post again. Plus the sitting down does my old muscles good in the moment ! I have started to add another work-out to my usual program. OK, I cycle almost every day , my legs are just fine and I burn calories. I do Pilates and often use some small weights with it, so my arm are good as well ...nothing flabby there ! But I thought my mid section can do with some toning up and got out an old Abs exercise thing we had for ages. I call it the "torture seat" ...and oh boy, can I feel it ! My stomach muscles even hurt when I laugh or sneeze.
I take it as a good sign that it's working-no pain , no gain,lol.
Then I was getting sweaty in another way, as I told in my post. Candle making. I now have a little collection ready and they will make nice little gifts.Some more of the jar candles still need to be decorated.

And I treated myself to another charm for my leather bracelet....a little silver owl this time.
The owl stands for two things....first we saw an owl at the Eno River Festival, plus it's Reggie's bird.
But journaling.... early in the mornings when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep I was writing notes while Reggie was sleeping. I got the doc out yesterday and started to do something with them. I will show part of what I'm doing here, but some pages will stay private as they are far too personal. I'm not so much concentrating on a lot of embellishments , for me it's just the writing that counts, it shows my thoughts at the time.These are the first 4 pages and the start of the story book.
I will gradually go trough the notes and carry on making more pages. But for today it's enough. After these night shifts I will upload the next freebie part for you and put the links up , I'm hoping I will get it done over the weekend. So until then again
Hugs Snowy


  1. It's nice to have a journal of your trip. Speially after years it is real fun to read it back. I did those too years ago when we were on holiday, and still have some of them.
    Oh what a brave girl, doing extra excersises LOL!
    I like your candles, they look fantastic.
    Have a great day, good shoft,

  2. The exercising sounds good, but I don't like the looks of that little exercise gadget. I will pass on that one. lol. Actually, I cant wait to be able to get back on track doing my exercises too. Gotta get back to work now. You have a great day. Hugs, Edna B.

  3. An award is waiting for you on my blog.
