
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Being spoiled again

Hi, just checking in again from NC.
Yup, having a marvellous time with Reggie here. And I'm forbidden from doing any work around the house,lol... when I wanted to clean a little he took the things out of my hand and I was told I am here to relax.
New Year was just the two of us and a bottle of bubblies to celebrate.Very cosy:)
But let me post a couple of pics. We had a fantastic meal at Carrabbas the other evening , from Calamari for starters to creamy sinful Tiramisu for afters. Yummmieeeee....
I went shopping for craft supplies and another wall decal at Michael's, got some Redneck education ....with the result that I am now addicted to Moon Pies
....and look what Reggie got me.... with my Fifty Shades of Grey book collection this is so fitting,lol !
It will be my birthday in 2 days and Reggie is taking me out ....looking forward and wondering what he has planned for me.
Besides this I almost got a kit finished -here another qp from it.
I might post again after my birthday-until then ...
Hugs from here in NC , and thanks for your comments. I hope you had a nice New Year as well  xx


  1. Isn't it great, not having to do anything????
    Hmmmm, your meal sounds yummie!
    Curious to hear how your birthday will be!!
    Nice you had a quiet New Years Eve just with Reggie.
    All best wishes to you and him for 2013.!!!

  2. Sounds like your holidays were wonderful. It's good to hear that you're having a good time with Reggie. Tell me, does this man ever smile? lol. From the side, he looks like he could be related to Willie Nelson. (country singer)
    Here's hoping the new year is a good one for both of you. My program is coming on TV now, so gotta go. You have a fabulous night, and enjoy the reat of your time in N.C. Hugs, Edna B.

  3. So glad you are having a great time! Relax and enjoy being spoiled. Take all that special treatment he is willing to dish out! Love the 50 shades cup! Have a great flight back home! Hugs!! Mat
