
Sunday, January 06, 2013

Last post from NC ....

...before I head home back to the UK again. Time here has gone far too quick again !
I had a lovely Birthday here. Reggie took me to Tripps Restaurant for a fantastic meal in the evening ....with the result that we were both so full we felt miserable.
And the drink after at the Bull City Tap House was hilarious ! Would you believe I got asked for ID on my 45th Birthday when I ordered a Guinness? I thought I didn't hear right ! As if I look under 21,lol.... what was that woman behind the bar thinking? 
Oh yes, I have a new nickname here. Thanks to my love for a certain food I am now being called "Moon Pie"  and Reggie is working on making me into a Redneck,lol
Here a few more pics I took the past days.
In Roxboro...

...and Durham Life and Science Museum

This is my favourite pic,lol.... looks as if Reggie is being followed on the Dinosaur Trail :)
I have more pics , but will show them in the next posts when I'm back again and have time to scrap some as well. 
And then the countdown starts again.... I'll be counting the weeks again until I can fly across again. 
Long distance is not always easy but so worth waiting for the time we can spend together.And yes, we have talked about me moving across again, it will happen when the time is right.First we both have still some things to take care of this year.
Until next post and a new freebie then 
Hugs Snowy "MoonPie" ;)


  1. Love the dinosaur photo! Sad to say, all good things must end. I'm glad you've had a really wonderful vacation with Reggie. Thank goodness for video chats on the computer. They surely do help the time fly by until it's time for your next visit. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your photos. Have a safe trip home. Hugs, Edna B.

  2. Great photos "Moon Pie"! I used to like eating those when I was a kid!! LOL! Sorry your trip is over, but have a good flight home! Will check in later for more photos! Hugs!1
