
Thursday, October 27, 2016

More Halloween freebies ...

Hi :)
Yup, I'm on rota break again and enjoying my days off work.
And being creative ! I bought a few new goodies which just had to be tried out. It's so much fun to experiment !
 Like the new Watercolor pencils used for Lisa Parker's Spellbound Coloring book: "Solstice"
Christmas cards to color ...
Decoupage ...
...and experimenting with Tombow's Blending palette and colorless blender.
Inspired by the little things in life coffee ;)

And then there is the ever surprising external drive which makes me find things I forgot I have ....
...where I find these cute papers for you to download
...and these spooky signposts I quickly uploaded for you.
Hope you enjoy :)

And I will have another dig and see what I can give you next post.It won't be Halloween stuff,lol.... that time will be over till next year . But I'm sure I will find something good :)
I'm off because I have set myself the task of sorting out my craft boxes and sideboard/shelves full of all sorts of art and craft materials. I'm sure that will take me a few hours,lol
I'm aiming to find the Christmas /winter decorations so I can finish off the decoupaged sleigh and cone tree. And I need my hot glue gun which has gone missing in one of the boxes .... not to forget I need another cup of coffee to gather the energy for this task. I leave you with a couple of fall images I took on ride out and about.
First signs of autumn ...starting at one branch on this tree.
Splash of red among the green .... rose hips are ready :)
Till next post
Hugs Snowy

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Freebie time again

it's back to work for me after my week off, but I sure did enjoy my time of leisure !
One day I jumped on the train to Norwich and spent the day Hobbycraft. Well mainly,lol. This store is so huge and so much to look at that you don't even notice the hours going by.
And I did find a variety of goodies. not just for crafts , but also bought some new clothing.
Then at last I treated myself to a nice meal at TGI Fridays before heading home.

I have already started work on /with some of the goodies I got, like this canvas ....
....worked on black paper creating spiderwebs with the new Ranger  white opaque ink pens and metallic Sharpie pens ...
...and was creative with watercolor again.
I also finished a crochet scarf in time for the cooler weather and started knitting another.
I'll gradually show you what else I got as I go along work on various craft projects for the season.

As I went through folders on my external hard drive I discovered some hidden folders. I was very happy to see they contained design works which I thought were lost , had disappeared because I lost a lot when my old laptop gave up on life. So I will have more to sort and upload as freebies to come. ;)

But for now's Halloween Town time !
 The large folder with elements

And a little extra I found on the drive , which will fit this little kit as well, containing some cute stickers.

More stuff next post again. I won't be running out of freebies any time soon,lol

Till then
stay creative ;)
Hugs Snowy 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Back with Halloween kit

Hi again ,
The work week is over and I'm back with another kit !
Halloween and Fall is the theme with most things still ....  from getting out the warm clothing to drawings and design. I have spent the time I had in between work on getting the warm stuff out of storage , washing them because they smelled a bit dusty , making sure the windows and door don't let in the cold air by sticking on  foam strips to seal them and washed lots of pots and put them into sttorage for next Spring's planting. We had to turn the heating on this past week because the nights were getting quite chilly !
My highlight of the week was playing "bird whisperer" .... I had the honor and pleasure to get close up with Starla , a beautiful Raven lady .Raven and Owl are my favorite birds and Spirit animals, and I had the pleasure to get close to both now.

As usual there had to be time for art and lettering.
Now to the kit's called "Halloween Town" and used to be another Store kit . I had to make a new preview , because they all seem to have disappeared. Not all items are shown on this , but you get 12 backgrounds and 23 elements.
This was made with some of the graphics in the kit .

I will give you the backgrounds and some elements today

the smaller elements folder (the large one next post)

And I'm off now ....things to do,lol. Have a nice Sunday and stay creative :)
Hugs Snowy 

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Quick post before I'm back to work ...and the last 2 parts

Hey again,
my weekend will be over tomorrow. It's really not nice to start work again on a Sunday , but that comes with the job I do.
Autumn weather is in full swing here today. It's grey , rainy and a little chill to the air. My cats have made themselves nests out of fleece blankets and are cuddled up on the sofa, while I'm running around cleaning, doing laundry and of cause some art and craft.

I'm also putting out some fall decorations. Not too much because I'm not a friend of too much clutter , but a little certainly makes the home look nice and cosy.
I bought a cheap and ugly plastic pumpkin the other day and it was in need of some beauty treatment.
Looking on Pinterest I found several that gave me ideas, but this feathered pumpkin was the winner.
So I painted mine white and decoupaged some feathers , plus I added some glitter and a bow as well. I'm pretty happy how it turned out.So much better than the orange plastic monstrosity ;)
Now I just need to get the other decorations out .

I've been drawing just with my Tombows the past days. It's a different style than watercolors but just as much fun.
Today's picture was inspired by the weather and the challenge prompt "Polka dot umbrella"
I worked on challenges a few days in advance because I most likely won't find as much time the next days.
Letter "O" dropcap
And Mr. Scarecrow .
Next goal is to get Illustrator so I can start using my drawings as part of my designs and make them into vectors. And that tablet is also still on my wishlist.

OK, now the last two parts and then back to the things I wanted to do in here .

Part 7

Part 8
Enjoy ! Have a nice weekend and stay creative :)
I will be searching the drive for another freebie kit to post next time.
Hugs Snowy 

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

It's my weekend ! ...and the next 2 parts...

7 days work are over and today is what I call "nightshift recovery day" . It means sleeping and catching up on all those things I didn't find time for while working shifts.
Which means mostly cleaning and other household exciting,lol.

But there were 2 exciting things for me this week. Firstly my Tombows were delivered. It took 2 weeks for the delivery to arrive from the USA. Ordering from there saved me roughly $70.00 compared to UK prices ...even with tax and posting . So I was in color heaven ....or can you be high on colors? :)
Needless to say I had to try them out straight away ...
 They blend so much better than normal felt-tips.
And the October challenges have started.
So much fun to doodle and write with these new pens ;)

The second excitement happened yesterday after I came back from the ALDI. I bought a pair of black jeans which I thought wasn't going to fit yet.They looked quite small.  I thought maybe another month of sweating and exercise before I could wear them...but hello ! I tried them on and they fit perfectly. Success !!! :)

Sadly our Dusty passed away during the week. She was 16 and a half years old.Her little body just gave up due to old age.
But the other two are still going strong.

But on to the freebie parts now before my head hits the keyboard...I only had 3 hours sleep and my bed is calling me.
Here are part 5

and part 6
Two more parts to come in the next post.
And for me it's time to chill now...
Stay creative
Hugs Snowy