
Wednesday, October 05, 2016

It's my weekend ! ...and the next 2 parts...

7 days work are over and today is what I call "nightshift recovery day" . It means sleeping and catching up on all those things I didn't find time for while working shifts.
Which means mostly cleaning and other household exciting,lol.

But there were 2 exciting things for me this week. Firstly my Tombows were delivered. It took 2 weeks for the delivery to arrive from the USA. Ordering from there saved me roughly $70.00 compared to UK prices ...even with tax and posting . So I was in color heaven ....or can you be high on colors? :)
Needless to say I had to try them out straight away ...
 They blend so much better than normal felt-tips.
And the October challenges have started.
So much fun to doodle and write with these new pens ;)

The second excitement happened yesterday after I came back from the ALDI. I bought a pair of black jeans which I thought wasn't going to fit yet.They looked quite small.  I thought maybe another month of sweating and exercise before I could wear them...but hello ! I tried them on and they fit perfectly. Success !!! :)

Sadly our Dusty passed away during the week. She was 16 and a half years old.Her little body just gave up due to old age.
But the other two are still going strong.

But on to the freebie parts now before my head hits the keyboard...I only had 3 hours sleep and my bed is calling me.
Here are part 5

and part 6
Two more parts to come in the next post.
And for me it's time to chill now...
Stay creative
Hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. Your new pens for coloring look stunning. How exciting to try them out.
    Congrats on your new pair of trousers LOL! Now don;t loose too much weight either.
    How sad to hear about Dusty. But it was already a considerable age.
    Still it always hurts to loose a pet
    Now take a good rest and then go enjoying yourself with your new pens!
