
Saturday, October 08, 2016

Quick post before I'm back to work ...and the last 2 parts

Hey again,
my weekend will be over tomorrow. It's really not nice to start work again on a Sunday , but that comes with the job I do.
Autumn weather is in full swing here today. It's grey , rainy and a little chill to the air. My cats have made themselves nests out of fleece blankets and are cuddled up on the sofa, while I'm running around cleaning, doing laundry and of cause some art and craft.

I'm also putting out some fall decorations. Not too much because I'm not a friend of too much clutter , but a little certainly makes the home look nice and cosy.
I bought a cheap and ugly plastic pumpkin the other day and it was in need of some beauty treatment.
Looking on Pinterest I found several that gave me ideas, but this feathered pumpkin was the winner.
So I painted mine white and decoupaged some feathers , plus I added some glitter and a bow as well. I'm pretty happy how it turned out.So much better than the orange plastic monstrosity ;)
Now I just need to get the other decorations out .

I've been drawing just with my Tombows the past days. It's a different style than watercolors but just as much fun.
Today's picture was inspired by the weather and the challenge prompt "Polka dot umbrella"
I worked on challenges a few days in advance because I most likely won't find as much time the next days.
Letter "O" dropcap
And Mr. Scarecrow .
Next goal is to get Illustrator so I can start using my drawings as part of my designs and make them into vectors. And that tablet is also still on my wishlist.

OK, now the last two parts and then back to the things I wanted to do in here .

Part 7

Part 8
Enjoy ! Have a nice weekend and stay creative :)
I will be searching the drive for another freebie kit to post next time.
Hugs Snowy 


  1. Why is it that free days always pass by so fast?
    I cannot blame your cats for looking out for nice warm and cozy fleece blankets to spend time on LOL
    Hope your working day will be not to tiring

  2. So sad to read about Dusty. But at least she had a good long, comfy life with you. I'm not sure how I feel about the white pumpkin with feathers, but I just love your scarecrow. He looks real enough to be placed out in the garden.

    Your new pens look wonderful. I don't do as much coloring as I should. But when I do find the time, it is very relaxing. Now I think I should get busy and put in a load of laundry before I run out of day. haha, I get so engrossed in what I'm doing that I forget the important things, ie..laundry, etc. haha.

    You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
