
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Disco Lights -the last 2 parts

Hello again,
Here where I am it's starting to feel like the beginning of fall The horse chestnuts are nearly grown and will start to fall soon, the elder, rowan and hawthorn berries are getting their colours and the blackberries are ready to pick. Weather wise the nights are starting earlier and are cooler than before , the wind is starting to pick up and although the days can still be quite warm and humid , the general feel is that autumn won't be far off.
That's fine with me :) It's one of my favourite seasons., the other being spring , when nature wakes up and colours appear after winter  As for autumn...I love the fall colours ! And the bounty of my pickings in the garden and nature.
I've been busy in my kitchen after picking blackberries making jam, fermenting carrots and cabbage, pickling cucumbers, cutting and drying herbs etc
I had hoped to have some more tomatoes so I could use some to make pasta sauces or tomato soup, but we seem to eat them too quick ;) But I still have more green ones on the plants maybe there will be more for canning. I have also dug out half of the potatoes I planted in grow bags and they are yummie :)

The salad I planted is all gone , so I'm planting more seeds .The courgettes/Zucchini are growing and can be picked soon. I have fresh celery and chard. All in all , despite not having much room and planting in containers everything has grown well this year so far.
I'm also being a "domestic Goddess" and have cleaned all my windows , washed the curtains and will start to go through my warmer clothing , which are mostly packed away in vacuum storage bags. Here at the coast in UK the autumn winds can be quite cool and the hoodies , cardigans and lighter jackets will be needed soon.
I managed to make time for some painting this morning.
I call this floral painting "Summers bloom" , in a loose, almost abstract painting style, full of summer floral and colours.
I think this might be the first in a set of 4 paintings. One for each season of the year.
I already have some ideas for the Autumn themed painting .

Anyway.... time for download links. And maybe a little preview of what's next, because it's the last parts of Disco Lights already.

I'm not only an ex Goth , but also a little bit of a Hippie chick at heart. So I decided this will be the next freebie kit.
But for now it's still party time with Disco Lights. Here the last parts.

Enjoy and I'll be back with the next kit soon :)
Hugs Snowy

1 comment:

  1. I think all your canning and putting up your harvest is just awesome. My daughter Audrey does a lot of canning. It keeps the pantry full all through the winter and into the next Spring. Enjoy your bounty.

    Your "Summer" painting is lovely. Can't wait to see the whole set of four. I have to agree that Spring and Autumn are my favorite seasons too. Mostly for the weather and the colors of nature.

    Now I'm off to scatter a few dust bunnies. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.
