
Tuesday, August 08, 2017

More Disco Lights ...finally !

Hi all,
I have to apologise for being late posting again, but a little nasty stomach bug got in the way and the last thing on my mind in between running to the toiletand stomach cramps was doing my blog post.
I feel ok again today , apart from the odd strange gurgle noise my stomach makes ...which is probably saying "feed me". But I'll still be careful what I eat today. Let's face it : another day of "almost fasting" is not gonna hurt and hopefull get rid of another pound on the scale ,lol.

I found some time for another art project though..
It started with some circles and watercolor...
...and slowly developed into this...
And the final painting ! I'm happy how this turned out :)

The weather here is turning more autumn like in the moment. We had strong winds, lower temeratures and rain showers mixed with sunny periods.
I'm not complaining. It means less watering the plants outside and less sweating.
I also got the new coffee table to match my TV unit. Much better than the glass and steel monster I had before.
I think the next purchase will be the matching book shelf with bottom drawer. My old one has two dawers and they are falling apart and don't open properly. But it's not real wood , unlike these new pieces. So time to replace this cheap chip board stuff!

And now to the 2 downloads for this week.
Part 2 :
and part 3:

If you missed the detailed previews and part 1 , they are all in last weeks post.
You have 2 more parts coming ...

And now I will plug in my external drive and see what kit I give away next...

Until next post
Hugs Snowy

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