
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Card links and corrected link up now

Hi, I managed to finally get the stuff uploaded and the new links are in the post under this one. Enjoy !
Here are a few more layouts I made in the meantime.

Back to work in the morning , catch you when I find the time and maybe next weekend for the next part again.
Hugs Snowy

Monday, July 30, 2012

Freebie part 3 and new kit ready

Good morning,
...night shift recovery went well. I used to love those shifts, but I am seriously beginning to dislike them because they prevent me from being able to see and chat with Reggie on Skype.
But at least I had the weekend off ...
Just been reading my comments and Kyra tells me about an award....thanks for that, will head over to your blog after this post. Oh, and that torture seat seems to be working, together with eating more sensibly my scales showed 6 pounds less this morning. That's not a bad loss in two weeks, I'm happy with that. Brave? I wouldn't say I'm brave,lol... it's more a case of feeling better in myself, personal pride , living healthier and apart from that I need to be fit to keep Reggie on his feet (or on his back or knees) hehehehe....
I've been journaling some more and making more layouts, but some of them I find too personal to show.I'm open but not that open,lol ! Some things I have to keep private. But here are a few more layouts I made. This is a double page and supposed to be next to each other.

I think that I'm comfortable and loving it there shows well in the pic , I look relaxed, happy and at ease,lol.And that was taken the day after I arrived the next layout states...
Apart from that I finished the kit I worked on last.
I called it "In my heart" ...just because he is.
And I made another Dreamcatcher.
This one was a wish from Deb for one of her boys.I still have to make another for her other little boy.
Patriotic Dreamcatcher

 I'm uploading the next freebie parts as I write this.As soon as it's done I place the links and hit the "Publish " button.But I'm having problems with uploading at mediafire. The last 2 files with the cards will not I post the kit and will add the cards when it finally works again.
This is it.
and finally the cards

I'll keep trying to get the cards up as well, so check in from time to time,and  I will announce when it has finally worked.
Till later again-hugs Snowy

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Good morning peeps,
it's the start of my night shifts later tonight so I have some time to post again. Plus the sitting down does my old muscles good in the moment ! I have started to add another work-out to my usual program. OK, I cycle almost every day , my legs are just fine and I burn calories. I do Pilates and often use some small weights with it, so my arm are good as well ...nothing flabby there ! But I thought my mid section can do with some toning up and got out an old Abs exercise thing we had for ages. I call it the "torture seat" ...and oh boy, can I feel it ! My stomach muscles even hurt when I laugh or sneeze.
I take it as a good sign that it's working-no pain , no gain,lol.
Then I was getting sweaty in another way, as I told in my post. Candle making. I now have a little collection ready and they will make nice little gifts.Some more of the jar candles still need to be decorated.

And I treated myself to another charm for my leather bracelet....a little silver owl this time.
The owl stands for two things....first we saw an owl at the Eno River Festival, plus it's Reggie's bird.
But journaling.... early in the mornings when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep I was writing notes while Reggie was sleeping. I got the doc out yesterday and started to do something with them. I will show part of what I'm doing here, but some pages will stay private as they are far too personal. I'm not so much concentrating on a lot of embellishments , for me it's just the writing that counts, it shows my thoughts at the time.These are the first 4 pages and the start of the story book.
I will gradually go trough the notes and carry on making more pages. But for today it's enough. After these night shifts I will upload the next freebie part for you and put the links up , I'm hoping I will get it done over the weekend. So until then again
Hugs Snowy

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Getting crafty and part two of the Free Series

Hello again,
pheew....I'm sweating buckets...not only do I have a nice piece of pork in the oven, but I'm also busy melting wax to make my own candles. Already 3 finished and cooling down , and the smell is lovely. I have chosen Vanilla and cinnamon as fragrance oils this time. These are very easy to make as you just need a candle wick and pour the melted ,coloured and fragranced wax into the jars, -which I have collected together from sauces , jams...or baby food jars are good as well.
Later on when the wax has hardened the jars and lids will be decorated , and voila have a nice little gift for someone.
I told about working on one of Reggie's presents, I have completed the first one...I cannot show the full result for obvious reasons, but here is a little sneak peak ...a birthday card which is something else,lol...
And Kyra...I am getting a bit "" softy romantic"...always have been, but I actually quoted Reggie in my last post.... because as much as he likes to look and play the cool man, he has a soft, romantic side as well....pssst...I didn't tell that,lol. Hey , he's a Libra... they are known for being the most horny but also romantic, hahahaha...
No seriously, a mix of naughty and romantic is the best, and it's part of what I love about him.
I was also lucky picking up a bargain yesterday. A full 16 piece dinner set for only $12.00. I had looked around for one a couple of months ago, but wasn't prepared to pay too much. And the ones I liked were all too expensive. So yesterday walking through the store I  passed the display and thought:"hmmm...that's quite nice". Imagine my surprise when I saw the price, I had to look twice because I couldn't believe it. Needless to say I snatched it up ! Now the old and chipped 10 year old stuff can go ! Aztec design ...
And I tried another southern recipe...Dirty Rice -I found a Bojangles copy recipe -and grilled chicken.Yummie ! ...minus the Iced Tea,lol... or "liquid crack "as Reggie calls it... I have never seen anyone put away so much of a drink !
 -Anyway, before I finish this post and go back to work tomorrow I will give you the next part of the freebie series.
Here it is.
 That's all for now, I'll be back when I have the time and something to post/show -Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Working on new kit...

...and it's turning out rather dark and Gothic. Morning peeps.... thought I check in before I head to bed for my beauty sleep.
Just read the messages left on my last post and Edna writes:" Just catching up on your blog. You've been busy! I love your wall decor and will check out that printable site. You'll like the winter weather when you come back to the states. It's not as wintery in the Carolinas as it is up here. Now I'm off to get a bit of work done here. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B."
That site is fantastic if you are into other paper crafts. There are quite a few projects I want to try , but first I have other priorities.
My Libra man's birthday is in September , so I have to get Reggie's present ready until then... and it's something which takes a while to complete. Obviously cannot show it before , he has this blog address and could pop in any time to see what I am up to,lol. Plus I have two more dreamcatchers to make and want to create an album with the pics I made ...the traditional way-not just digital !
Oh ,I have been told they can get quite a bit of snow as well in NC .... I actually hope there will be some. Reggie told me it looks absolutely magical by the river when everything is white and covered in snow. I would love to see that. Although he prefers warmer weather,lol... being from Texas and cold weather affects his old bones ( ughhh...good job he can't slap me for that,lol)
Last night was the start of a Dart season with a new team, so I'm itching to hear tonight how it went.
Yesterday was "Spoil Shaun Day". After being spoiled myself with so much yummie food across there by Reggie ,I searched the Internet for Copycat Restaurant recipes and found many I want to try. So yesterday afternoon I made the first one. Cajun Chicken Pasta , but I added bacon to it , as we had it in the restaurant.
Shaun said it's "fucking lovely" ...hah, it was a winner !
For afters I slaved more in the kitchen and baked brownies. Those,still warm, topped with Vanilla Ice cream, cream and chocolate sauce were yummie !
I think Shaun is now totally convinced that he will have to come on a visit with me.Plus he loves the t-shirt I bought him over there and is nosey about the store it came from...but more about that another time. 
New designs.... I had to stop myself from becoming too dark and Gothic , and added some lighter colours to it. Here a few qps and a layout.

Gosh, can't you see I'm all loved up? These designs were inspired by the photo taken in the Restaurant ....and by the red roses.This man is definitely the best thing that came into my life this year !

So yeah, the kit is coming together nicely. Let's see what else I come up with. But for now it's night shift recovery time. Good night ...
Hugs Snowy

Monday, July 16, 2012

Freebie time

Good morning ,
ughhh...I didn't want to get up this morning ! It's grey ,miserable , wet and windy out there....and it was so nice warm and cosy under my quilt. Well ,I had a good excuse for staying in bed longer and being night shifts start tonight , so I need to be well rested,lol.
My poor Reggie has had a migraine for the past days, but is slowly feeling a bit better. Of cause the time we can chat are the highlights of my days.
So what's new? Not much really... nothing much happens while at work. But I have seriously developed a taste for Cajun food while in North Carolina. My friend True, who is from New Orleans is sending me some spices across and I will be trying some new recipes. I swear, compared to this the traditional English cuisine is boring!
I will be putting up a collection of botanical themed backgrounds and elements over the next weeks. These were the results of several months of challenges and I have never published them before.
They are great to mix and match and perfect for summer. Ughhh... whenever it's more like October here !
Here is a layout with some of the parts.
Kyra, I am not that much interested in the Olympics-I'm more looking forward to next month when the Football season starts again. I have already marked Patriots and some Raiders games on my calendar (Reggie's team are the Raiders) and will stock up the fridge with some drinks and snacks for the days I am off work and can watch the games.
And I hope to book the flight tickets for December next month before prices go up , as they will for the holidays !
Enough for now are the first links for the botanical designs, I have also made some cards for some of the elements.
Here is part 1 ....5 folders full of goodies! Hugs Snowy

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wall transformation with Decal and free printable Butterflies and Paper Rose

Hi all
Just another one of my little projects I'm showing after I told you about the Wall Decal in my last post.
It's on the wall,lol. I had a few difficulties to overcome as the wall is slightly textured , but I got it to stick.
Then I started adding some decor...I love butterflies , so I found a site where you can print these Watercolour butterflies out for free.
Also from there is the Paper Rose which I made.
And the finished result looks like this.All is only blu tacked , so I can easily take it off and change the decor, for example if I want to put up some Fall decor instead.
Cute hey ?

Apart from that I have treated myself to a Pandora black leather bracelet. The idea is to collect charms and give the bracelet a theme... something to remember. I'm creating one that reminds me of our 6 mile walk along the river Eno. As my first charm I chose a turtle.
I already have a butterfly,frog,snake and owl bookmarked , which I will add to this one by one.
Stay tuned-tomorrow I will be posting a new freebie ...till then ..
Hugs Snowy

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Back to normal...

...or rather what is normal for me,lol... Yup, yesterday was cleaning day, but I also started to scrap some of the pics I took each time I had a break.
And while cleaning I also needed to find a space for a picture Joe made for me. He does some awesome art and I love the pic of the red rose he made for me. So it had to go on my wall and I found a great place for it.

I also bought some "wall lettering"...decals to rub onto a wall for decoration when Reggie took me to Michael's , plus some new frames are waiting to be filled ...the words will look great on the wall above the frames
Deb gave me the idea for it when she did some on her wall , but no matter how much I searched over here, I just could not find this in any of our I had to wait and buy one across there. I'll show the finished result once it's done.
But here some layouts now I made with Pics I took.These two were done with the last freebie kit,apart from adding some bits on the first one from new designs.The pic with Wes on was taken by Jennifer. Wes is an school friend ,he and Reggie have not seen each other more than 20 years prior to this meeting. Wes just moved to South Carolina from Texas after meeting Jennifer over the internet as well.
I love that Butterfly pic I took during our 6 mile walk along the river Eno, so it had to be scrapped.all my designs as well...kit Summer Breeze...not published yet,lol

And more new designs....I'm designing as I go along to fit the photos I have, and this one required something romantic with roses.Memories of a private booth, great 4 course fondue,Yin Yang cocktail,Champagne, red roses from Reggie and a fantastic unforgettable evening.
 And yes, I am counting again-24 weeks until next flight and time with Reggie.But that's all for now. It's back to work tomorrow , have some shopping to do to fill the fridge again and will get a new freebie ready soon for you. Until then -Hugs Snowy