
Friday, January 25, 2013

Last part of New Beginnings

Hey, good morning :)
I was up early this morning after I passed out watching a movie on TV last night ....sign of getting old???
Woke up to the voice of Reggie and had a couple of nice hours with him on Skype. "Sigh" I miss that man ! -Sure , Skype is great ....but nothing beats being actually together in person.

Yesterday I also started my spring cleaning. It will be Imbolc on the 2nd of Feb. so while I'm off work on rota break is the perfect time to get it done. And two people smoking in this place ....oh boy, you should have seen the crap coming off the picture frames when I wiped over them !

It's also a good way of getting rid of more items I don't really need or use anymore. Let's face it....I can't take all the stuff with me. So the more I can get rid of  from now until the time to move comes , the better ! I still have approx. 200 books to go from my shelves ... and other things....I just really have to be tough on myself. Anything not used in 2 years I am not likely to use or need again .... it has to go ! And no more buying new clutter ! -let's face it, everything now is geared towards that final step.

Somebody asked me whether I am not scared or nervous to make such a big move. Not yet, but I will be.The interviews and the process at the Embassy and then waiting for the papers won't be fun. I will be giving up a bloody good job here , my flat and leaving my son and beloved cats behind  to make a completely new start in a new place.I have to adjust, find a new job and no doubt will learn a lot of new things. Of cause that's scary! But I also know it will be worth every penny and step towards finally being with Reggie for good, no matter how long it takes. 

It is also almost time to plant new seeds....I am prepared ! Website update: both other Girls are jumping on board, we got the site where we will sign up for server space .... now it's time to find a name. I need a name before I can go ahead.For making the graphics (header) and Domain name. So that's something to be thought about and discussed now. But no hurry ...all good things take time.

In the meantime I carry on building up stock. Here another 2 qps from yet another new kit I am working on.

So here is now the final part of "A new Beginning"

I will be preparing a new freebie again for next week. Till then - have a nice weekend
Hugs Snowy

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Next freebie parts ...a few days earlier

Good morning,
hope you're all staying's freezing here and we have 6 inches of snow forecasted for the next days. So far we have been lucky, it's been snowing a lot, but it didn't stay for long.
I'm starting early shifts again tomorrow and knowing myself I will be too tired to post after this when I come home. So I'm putting them up for you now.
I also have been busy with some more crafting and creating layouts. I just love how this one turned out,lol.

These were made with the designs I made in NC

 As for crafting , I'm working on another hybrid project, and some Valentines surprises which I obviously can't show yet. But here is something else. Think that cans and bottles are just trash? Think again !
 Decorated they actually make great vases and candle holders.
And this is my hybrid project.I made rosettes out of strips of burlap....
.... cut a heart out of cardboard from an old box, covered it in a scrap of fabric , added ribbon,feathers and other decorations....
...voila.... I still want to add one of my favourite quotes on a label to this.
But now to the freebie parts-here the next two for more next week.

I have also been searching for affordable web space and found a site which looks ideal .... still in talks with two others , but I hope they jump on board. That doesn't mean there won't be any freebies anymore.That will continue , but we have to live as well and we all can do with a few extra pennies these days. I can promise this, the prices for new designs will be kept low and affordable. We do not want to rob anyone in these hard times,lol. And there will also be plenty of designer resources.
I can't give a date yet.... it's early days, but the first steps have been taken towards this plan. More when I know more, and time to build up more new design stock .... Until then ....
Hugs Snowy

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Layouts and revelations

Ha you didn't think I would be posting this soon,lol.
Yup, I managed to get some layouts done.So let;'s start the show and then I tell you a little more about what is planned.....
Night at the Italian Restaurant....this is a double page and should be next to each other.Done with my kit "From Dusk to Moonlight"

Next is our visit to the Life and Science Museum in Durham.

It really was fascinating to stand in front of it ! But seeing how small the space is where the astronauts used to sit .... OMG, I don't think I could do that and fly any great length of time like that.

I have been to the Museum of Life and Science in London, but of cause we don't have this kind of stuff there.

 Watching the Animals in the Museum , Reggie came out with the comment :" I want a baby alligator and name it "Fluffy" see what I have to deal with ,lol..... well, he shall have his baby alligator( grins mischievously)  ...more to that one at a later date , hahahaha.....
The butterfly house was amazing many of them fluttering around us. There is a room at the exit with mirrors, where you have to check yourself and each other to make sure there are no Butterflies sitting in your hair or on your clothing , before you leave. And the tropical plants in there are huge .... I loved it !

This new camera takes some pretty good pictures , I think .... grateful to Shaun for this present :)

Okay, you have been wondering what I was talking about regarding "Year of preparation" I guess I will explain a little.
You know New Year you always make all kinds of resolutions of things you want to do the coming year. Well, we had time to think and talk a lot and we both have our resolutions and things to be done in 2013.
1)For a start, I'm still paying off that credit my ex husband and me had together. This will end in Summer this year. I will finally be debt free ! It's a great feeling to know it's not that long anymore now. Once that is done I have a little more money to play around with. 
2) I have been talking about and always wanted to do it ....but finances prevented it. I will finally make my driving license this year ! I'm going to need it !
3) save up money for my next visit to Reggie in November ( Thanksgiving will have a new meaning for us this year )
4)Providing everything goes okay at Reggie's end ,towards end of the year I will get in touch with the US Embassy and get all the paperwork I need for emigrating to the USA as his fiance. (no ,we're not engaged yet, we know what we want, but we won't rush )
Depending how long this will take and how it goes ( I estimate almost a year) the trip to the USA in 2014 will be a one way Ticket for me.
So this year and next year will be all about getting prepared and ready for this.A move is never cheap, not to mention I will have to attend several interviews in London at the US Embassy (travel costs) and have to pay all the fees for the papers my end here, and most likely Reggie some across there as well.
Living in country I need to be able to drive....
5) With all this planned I will have to save, save, save..... a little extra cash will be soooo...welcome. That's why I will be opening my own website again to sell my kits I will soon start to look for a domain and affordable server space.By the looks of it I will not be doing it alone.... actually my horoscope for 2013 mentioned that it will be a business idea of three people .... and I think I know who the third will be as well,lol......
So yeah, I will literally be working my ass off .... any overtime I can get,the site, create new kits and CU products, driving lessons.... I hope staying this busy it will also make the time until I can be with Reggie again appear shorter. I miss him terribly!
Oh yes..... and I need to start getting off my ass and start my workouts again. I have a few Moon Pies and Holiday pounds to loose. 3 weeks not on my bike and I could feel it ! I'm out of shape and my stamina has gone down. So that's another thing on my "to do list ".
A lot to achieve ....but I am determined !!!
So, now you know .... and I have written enough now ,I think. More layouts will be coming ,freebie parts end of the week again, and I have to get my butt into the kitchen now and cook some dinner.
Have a nice Sunday
Hugs Snowy ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back to the old routine

Hello from the UK again.
I'm trying to get back into my old routine , but my body is still functioning on EST time. Today I woke up at 11.30 am,lol.
But that suits me fine as I am working nights this weekend.
So.....what went on since my last post?
Reggie took me to Greensboro Airport last Sunday where I took a very short flight to Charlotte. Saying "good bye " is never nice , so Reggie says "see you in 20 minutes" to distract from the fact that it will be a long time,lol.
My FB friend LaNita picked me up in Charlotte and I stayed at hers over night in Kanapolis, as my connecting flight didn't leave until around 6 pm on Monday. So we had the day together and 4 of us a lovely breakfast at Cracker Barrel in the morning. The first time I had Grits , by the way. That's Nita on the right.
Then the flight back to London over night-oh boy ! It's cold here ! Hard to believe I sat on Reggie's porch in the sun wearing just a thin top last week!
Tuesday was cleaning day ..... son home alone for 3 weeks and this place was in desperate need of it again,lol.I had to banish the dust devil !
Shaun got presents from Reggie which caused a giggle.

Not to mention the Chick-o-sticks, MoonPies and Summer sausage I brought back and which Shaun loves -damn, that means less for me ;)
Yesterday was my first day back at work and it's back to the old routine.
I got my craft supplies out as well and the result was another Dreamcatcher , which I made for Nita.

I have these two nights to work , then I will be on rota break again and hopefully have some time to scrap some of the pics I took in NC.
But I promised another freebie, so I dug out "New Beginnings " for the start of the New Year.
Here the first two links

 Enjoy !
More about my time in NC, layouts, freebie parts and future plans in my next post ....let's just say this will be a year of preparation ..... until next post
Snowy MoonPie :) lol

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Last post from NC ....

...before I head home back to the UK again. Time here has gone far too quick again !
I had a lovely Birthday here. Reggie took me to Tripps Restaurant for a fantastic meal in the evening ....with the result that we were both so full we felt miserable.
And the drink after at the Bull City Tap House was hilarious ! Would you believe I got asked for ID on my 45th Birthday when I ordered a Guinness? I thought I didn't hear right ! As if I look under 21,lol.... what was that woman behind the bar thinking? 
Oh yes, I have a new nickname here. Thanks to my love for a certain food I am now being called "Moon Pie"  and Reggie is working on making me into a Redneck,lol
Here a few more pics I took the past days.
In Roxboro...

...and Durham Life and Science Museum

This is my favourite pic,lol.... looks as if Reggie is being followed on the Dinosaur Trail :)
I have more pics , but will show them in the next posts when I'm back again and have time to scrap some as well. 
And then the countdown starts again.... I'll be counting the weeks again until I can fly across again. 
Long distance is not always easy but so worth waiting for the time we can spend together.And yes, we have talked about me moving across again, it will happen when the time is right.First we both have still some things to take care of this year.
Until next post and a new freebie then 
Hugs Snowy "MoonPie" ;)

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Being spoiled again

Hi, just checking in again from NC.
Yup, having a marvellous time with Reggie here. And I'm forbidden from doing any work around the house,lol... when I wanted to clean a little he took the things out of my hand and I was told I am here to relax.
New Year was just the two of us and a bottle of bubblies to celebrate.Very cosy:)
But let me post a couple of pics. We had a fantastic meal at Carrabbas the other evening , from Calamari for starters to creamy sinful Tiramisu for afters. Yummmieeeee....
I went shopping for craft supplies and another wall decal at Michael's, got some Redneck education ....with the result that I am now addicted to Moon Pies
....and look what Reggie got me.... with my Fifty Shades of Grey book collection this is so fitting,lol !
It will be my birthday in 2 days and Reggie is taking me out ....looking forward and wondering what he has planned for me.
Besides this I almost got a kit finished -here another qp from it.
I might post again after my birthday-until then ...
Hugs from here in NC , and thanks for your comments. I hope you had a nice New Year as well  xx