Thursday, May 26, 2011

Looks like rain....

Hi, morning
well, change in weather here-we got strong winds and dark clouds in the sky this morning. But nothing like what I just saw and read from Crystal and Pixie across on FB. They had tornado warnings, sirens going off and Crystal even took a picture of a funnel cloud. Just beats me how people here can complain about the weather -we get nothing like that !
My witchy herbs are doing well , especially the mint, basil and lemon balm ....
Dill is growing out of proportion ad the rosemary needs a cutting ...
Sage just had a good cutting down and is hung up to dry now ....
....and in the moment the milk/water mixture seems to do the trick on the sage plants which were infected with powdery mildew. The small new leaves are so far free of it .I cut it right down but new leaves are already coming out.
Let's see how the weather turns out during the day. If it rains I might sit down at the computer for a while longer and carry on with designing the new kit. And I will bundle up the sage with has already dried with twine and make smudge sticks. Plus I have some work to do for the Wiccan Connection. The folks there want some spells posted , so I will look through my clever books and see what would be useful to post.
Here is a nice summer song called "Sun is up"  and with that I leave you again and get busy. Hugs Raven

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